What Do Successful People Have In Common?

Sumi Shweta
4 min readMar 30, 2021


Have you ever wondered if successful people are born successful or they have some inbuilt trait of being successful? Everyone has a different IQ, and we see that some people are more successful than others. But is IQ really a benchmark of being successful? No, but there are some behavioral traits that are common in successful people. In this article, I will discuss “What do successful people have in common”.

1)Patience-As they say that” good things come to those who wait”. Being patient is very essential but not everyone is blessed with this virtue. Some people are very patient while some are not. Being patient means staying calm and composed even in adversity. However, this is often easier said than done because panicking is a general human tendency in adversity. It those who remain poised and think for a solution with a calm mind get better results in such situations. It is a proven fact that patient people react better to any situation and don’t simply decide anything impulsively. On the other hand, people who lack patience generally are not good at making decisions for which they often regret in retrospect. But one can learn from their mistakes and try being patient when necessary. Thomas Edison, Walt Disney are only a few names who proved themselves just by being patient and persistent. Thomas Edison was viewed as an object of ridicule before he went on to hold more than 1000 patents.

2) Reading-Quoting Barack ObamaReading is a gateway skill that makes all other learning possible”. As per a recent survey, the youths, in general, read less other than their school /college books and spend more time on social media. But successful people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Oprah Winfrey are an exception to this and they are avid readers. Reading, in general, has many benefits which are linked to success. Reading helps in improving concentration and makes you focused. Readers also in general have a greater attention span which improves productivity. Readers are great speakers and listeners too, so if you want to be successful, develop the habit of reading. As per sources ”Bill gates reads 50 books per year”.Elon Musk learned to build a Rocket by reading. Warren Buffet reads about 500 pages per day.

No wonder, their bank balances are as huge as their reading ability.

3) Curiosity-It will not be an exaggeration to say that successful people have curious minds. It was Albert Einstein who said “I have no special talents; I am just passionately curious. “Curious people have passion for learning and knowing their subjects. It helps in knowing the subject in detail and makes a master in your subject. Curiosity pushes you extra boundaries in learning and thus makes you successful in your field or subject. Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest physicist of all times had a very curious mind, and no wonder he was tagged as the “genius scientist” who established great theories in Physics.

4)Risk-Taking Ability-There are many people who do not want to take that extra leap or leave a safe and comfortable spot. But there are some who find normal conventional life boring, and success comes to those who are willing to take risks. Even Bill Gates took risks based on his vision that the computer will be an important device at home and work. Dhirubhai Ambani left his set life in Yemen to move back to India and set up Reliance. Their passion gives them the courage to explore and dream big. Risk takers are not scared of failures and not bogged down by hurdles or obstacles. When I am saying risk here, I mean realistic and some calculated risk.

5) Communication Skill-Good communication skills are one of the key skills which every employer seeks these days. Good communication means to put the points assertively and not aggressively. A good communication skill enables one to negotiate or mediate any conflict. It also includes listening ability and able to process the body language of the person on the other side in order to communicate effectively. If you are a good speaker and a listener, then you will be more valued and respected everywhere. Bill Clinton, Winston Churchill, Oprah Winfrey are only very few names who are great communicators.

Well, these were just the 5 traits that I mentioned, but apart from the above traits, there are some traits like empathy, self-reliance, optimism which are common traits of successful people. The key takeaway is that it is not often high IQ that makes a person successful. It is their drive and passion to learn, achieve their set goal is that makes them successful. We are settled in lifelike rest of the people, and the successful ones wanted to be successful so they became successful and cultivated those traits in them.

Image Source-Unsplash







Sumi Shweta
Sumi Shweta

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